Construction Has Started at 15 Main Street

Bank of Deerfield has relocated to our temporary facility located at 10 Liberty St. Suite 116 (next to Fireman's Park) for all your banking needs.

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Debit Cards

Quick Access to Your Cash

Debit cards offer a lot of advantages. They're accepted almost everywhere, they're easy to use, and most of the time they are much more convenient than carrying cash around with you. Your debit card is connected directly to your checking account, and you can use it at retailers, online and in apps to make purchases. If you'd like to learn more about the debit cards available at Bank of Deerfield, visit one of our offices.

Visit Our Offices

Image of man using his credit card


Maintaining control over your debit card is easier than ever with Brella from SHAZAM. Simply download the Brella app, and you'll be able to:

  • View balance information for a debit card's primary account
  • Set travel alerts on your cards in case you're going out of town and need to use your card
  • Receive a variety of alerts via email or text message
  • Receive suspicious transaction alerts via email or text message
  • Block a variety of transactions from being approved
  • Locate an ATM near you

Need to reset your pin number - Call Shazam 1-800-717-4923 an automated system will walk you through resetting your pin

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Report a Lost or Stolen Card

If your card is lost or stolen, call Bank of Deerfield at 608-764-5411 or call SHAZAM at 1-800-383-8000.